For business
“Dešimtas Teksas” is a professional shirt manufacturing company with 21 years of experience. We have started our business from sewing shirts for the companies and organizations and still gladly do so. We make both, men’s shirts and women’s blouses. We carry wide selection of economical Turkish or Polish fabrics for our customers to choose from. We can also offer innovative Austrian or Italian fabrics for those, caring more about their image and comfort. And we are equally happy to make shirts from the fabrics provided by the customer.
We are a responsible company, always fulfilling our obligations to our customers and business partners. We carry out all orders, both small and one-time, as well large and regular, equally responsibly and qualitatively.We have gained customer’s trust over the years. Our shirts are worn by „Senukai“, „Kautra“, „Topo centras“, „Elektromarkt“ „Regitra“, „Avitela“ and others.
Contact us to see what we can offer to your company or organization.